Presentation of a Simon Thoday Memorial Maul

W.Bro. Sid Palmer, brother-in-law of V.W.Bro. Simon Thoday Dep PGM, presented a specially made Maul to Berkeley Lodge into the hands of our WM, W.Bro. Emil Talev.

W.Bro. Sid gave a very nice presentation outlining W.Bro. Simon’s career in Freemasonry and Berkeley Lodge in particular.

He said ….. “Worshipful Master, it is my honour and privilege to present to you, on behalf of the Brethren, a Commemorative Gavel in remembrance of the V. W. Brother Simon Thoday who as you know was an outstanding member of our Lodge in many ways.”

“Simon was initiated into our Lodge in 1973 and after working overseas for some time eventually became Master in 1999 and again in 2009. He also joined other branches of Masonry including Royal Arch, Mark and more recently Knights Templar. After several promotions within the Province he was at the time of his demise the Deputy Provincial Master of Middlesex. A little known fact was that he was also a Freeman of the City of London. Throughout all his Masonic career he never once forgot that his real love was Berkeley Lodge and he always attempted to promote the Lodge. The Brethren therefore feel that this Gavel is a fitting tribute to his memory and should always appear at the Masters Chair at each meeting.”

W.Bro. Emil Talev WM Receiving the Maul