Berkeley Lodge



A Message from our Worshipful Master, W.Bro. Nigel Fisher, 2023/2024 –

Dear Brethren and guests, welcome to Berkeley Lodge No. 7591

It is my pleasure and privilege to be installed into the chair as Worship Master for the ensuing year.

Berkeley Lodge is a great example of building on the foundations of a well established lodge with strong traditions. We are extremely fortunate to be a thriving lodge with many new members being initiated and continuing their journey through masonry.

I will endeavour to uphold the traditions of Berkeley Lodge whilst supporting the contemporary needs of less experienced members.

If you are curious as to what Freemasonry is and what you can expect to experience from being a mason, please feel free to contact me, the secretary, or any member of Berkeley lodge and we will be more than happy to answer any questions you have, if we are able to do so.

Together, we continue to go from strength to strength. Making good men better.

What is Freemasonry

Freemasonry is about sharing a common desire for charitable support, following a high moral code in life and making social friends with like-minded people. It is a society focused on …

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Why join

One of the most common misconceptions about Freemasonry – and there are many – is that you have to be invited to join. This is not the case, anyone can apply
to join …

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How to join

Joining Freemasonry is not difficult
and open to all.
If you are interested in joining Freemasonry and we hope Berkeley Lodge in particular, please contact …

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Integrity + Respect + Friendship + Charity


Read about the latest updates and changes, related to our brotherhood

Berkeley Lodge 250th Banner Dedication Meeting 24th March 2022

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Presentation of a Simon Thoday Memorial Maul

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Berkeley Lodge 250th Banner Dedication Meeting 24th March 2022

Presentation of a Simon Thoday Memorial Maul


Below you can find information, related to our latest events and activities

Freemasons give £50,000 to British Red Cross to provide aid to Ukrainian refugees

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Provincial Grand Lodge of Middlesex Craft Annual Meeting 2022

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4 BALL Charity Tournament for Harefield Hospital

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